Movie Poster

I casted my little cousin. It is as if she was me when I was younger. My movie is about the hardships I went through growing up. It’s about how a little innocent girl grew up with her immigrant parents who knew nothing about the big world and as a family they must figure out how to adapt in US when they came from Mexico where the lifestyle is different.

Essential Tips For Every Photographer

  1. Lighting is Everything: I think it’s important because it can change the atmosphere and the vibe of the picture.
  2. Details: I think it’s important it gives the photo more character.
  3. Read the manual: Everyone at one point needs to read the manual in order to know what you’re doing.
  4.  Leading your viewer: It is important to give a lead to your viewer for it could give a dynamic feel.
  5. Experiment and play: I also think this is important because photoshoots won’t always turn out as they seem so it’s better to experiment other things.
  6. Passion: I think it’s important to never lose the spark that got you into photography.
  7. Think like a student: I think there is always room to learn and for improvement.
  8. RAW: A reminder to give yourself some flexibility and detail and RAW images allow more forgiving work.
  9. Zen and the art: Aperture, shutter speed and ISO are designed to give you more light.
  10. Interesting: You should remember photography is not easy it hard to make your photos look interesting.

Letter to next year students

Dear future Photo Students, liking this class is either a miss or a hit I am speaking from self-experience. Things I like about this class is that you get how to learn how to use a camera. You also learn how to edit your photos and make them look good. I liked how the teacher was nice and welcoming on the first day she may seem a little mean but she’s really not well unless you talk while she’s teaching.

Now things I disliked 1 thing was how I didn’t fully learn how to edit. Another thing is if you need help there is no guarantee the teacher will come help you. Lastly, I came to this class wanting to make friends but almost everyone in this class seem like they don’t want to be here they came to mess around and don’t care about photography.

Lastly my advice for you is to have fun in class. Time fly’s when you’re having fun. Also really pay attention or else you forget how do some assignments and your lost.